Management Principles
Top Message

President & CEO Yoichi Erikawa

We would like to thank our shareholders for your continued support.

The 13th fiscal year, starting in March 2022, is the first year of our three-year mid-term management plan, and our company has been working on various measures under our Group management policies of creation and expansion of global IPs. "Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin" and "Touken Ranbu Warriors", titles for which our company was in charge of development, were released on the market, as were several new titles and remakes of our own. Repeat sales of titles released in the previous fiscal year were also strong. As for smartphone games, in-house developed titles such as "Sangokushi: Hadou" and IP-licensed titles such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Strategy Edition" contributed to profits. As a result, total sales, operating profit, ordinary profit, and net profit reached record highs, and net profit increased for the 12th consecutive term. In addition, our company exceeded our profit targets for the final year of our three-year mid-term management plan (that is, operating income of 30 billion yen and ordinary income of 40 billion yen) in its first year.

Having achieved our profit targets of the mid-term management plan, our company will start a new three-year mid-term management plan from the fiscal year starting March 31, 2023, and we plan to achieve net sales of 100 billion yen, operating profit of 40 billion yen, and ordinary profit of 50 billion yen for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025. Our company's priority targets are to release a packaged title that sells 5 million copies, as well as a title that sells 2 million copies each fiscal year. For smartphone games, we will take on the challenges of creating a title with monthly sales of 2 billion yen, as well as multiple titles with monthly sales of 1 billion yen. Our company will continue to pursue our Group management policies of creation and expansion of global IPs, which have driven our profit growth for 12 consecutive fiscal terms, in order to achieve further growth and profitability.

Thank you again for your continued support and cooperation.

June, 2022

President & CEO
Yoichi Erikawa