Management Principles
Management Plan

Below, you can find our company's short-, medium-, and long-term plans related to our goals and growth strategies.

Our Vision

To Become the World's


Digital Entertainment Company

Medium-Term Management Plan

Third Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2022-FY2024)

Sales of 100 billion yen, operating income of 40 billion yen, and ordinary income of 50 billion yen are planned

Priority Goals

  • Operation profit target of 40 billion yen in FY2024
  • 5 million copies class console title (new IP)
  • 2 million copies class console title every year
  • Smartphone title with monthly sales of 2 billion yen
  • Smartphone titles with monthly sales of 1 billion yen
  • Expansion of Global Business
  • Establishment of a new IP Bussiness Division
  • Realization of SDGs and ESG intiativesl
  • Thorough management of Quality, Cost, and Delivery
  • Realization of stable investment income

Growth Strategy

  • Realization of 5 million copies class console title and yearly launch of 2 million copies class console title
  • Realization of smartphone title with monthly sales of 2 billion yen
  • Releasing our next smartphone title with monthly sales of 1 billion yen
  • Utilize the know-how from our successful titles in expansion of other IP (Nioh, Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ha-do)
  • Globalization of Atelier, Historical SLG, and Warriors IP
  • Development and expansion of IP
  • Entering into growing genres (GPS, Battle royale)

Current Fiscal Year Goals

For FY2024, the projected plan is to achieve sales of 90 billion yen, operating income of 30 billion yen, and ordinary income of 40 billion yen. As we attempt to achieve the goals of the Third Medium-Term Management Plan, we are preparing for further challenges in FY2025 and onwards. The progress of each priority goal is as follows.

  • Operating income target of 40 billion yen
    FY2024 plan of 30 billion yen → Continue to aim for achievement
  • Console title with sales of 5 million copies (new IP)
    2 titles launched in FY2022 and FY2023 → Continue to create AAA class titles
  • Console title with sales of 2 million copies every fiscal year
    3 titles have been launched in FY2022 and FY2023 → One title is planned for FY2024
  • online/mobile game with monthly sales of 2 billion yen
    Continue to aim for achievement
  • Multiple online/mobile games with monthly sales of 1 billion yen
    Achieved with 2 titles
    → We intend to announce The 4th Mid-Term Management Plan (FY2025-2027) at the beginning of FY2025